YÖRET Foundation observes the following principles when working with children:
In all of our work, the best interest of the child and UN rights of the child are observed.
The best interest of the child can be defined as the long term interest of the child. The first 41 articles of the UN convention on the rights of the child, which are also known as the articles about rights define the best interest of the child. This means that the best interest of the child is a principle which should be observed not only in administrative or punitive processes but in all processes that concern the child. Especially when long term perspectives are concerned, the term "the best interest of the child" does not always have a clear and definite definition. Policy document for best interest of the child in the juvenile justice system (International Child center)
Participation of children has the priority. Participation of children refers to participation of children in decision making processes that concern them, contribution of children regularly and continuously to various stages of these processes with their opinions (International Child Center).
At the beginning of a programme, the Child Protection Policy of the foundation is explained to the children, to their parents and everyone who will be involved in the activity. Steps to be taken in the event of negligence or abuse are explained.
Written consents are obtained from children and their legal guardians to communicate with children before, during and after the activity/programme (telephone, e-mail, social media contact etc.) and to take and use photos of children. Personal data, visuals and information are kept confidential and not shared.
No gift is given to or received from children; children are not contacted outside the programme; the educator does not share his/her phone number and social media accounts with children.
Physical contact is not allowed when working with children; body language is observed and personal boundaries are respected.
Discrimination on the basis of religion, language, race, social differences and gender is not allowed.
Individual differences of children are respected and children are allowed and encouraged to express themselves.
If there is bullying among children, YÖRET Foundation representative and the authorized representative of the organization where the programme is carried out are informed immediately. Instructions of the Foundation and organization representatives are followed. A role model is provided for the children against bullying.
If violence, negligence and abuse is suspected or witnessed during a programme/project, if negligence and abuse is reported by children and/or other people involved in the programme/project, YÖRET Foundation representative and the authorized representative of the organization where the programme is carried out are informed immediately.
Instructions of the Foundation and organization representatives are followed. It is mandatory to report such incidents to the law enforcement, prosecution office and ACSP child protection service.
Those who do not observe these rules are not allowed to participate in other programmes of the foundation.